Exodus Is Our Story, Too.

Oct 25, 2010

The Old Testament can be read as a history of the Jewish people and as a great description of human behavior on a metaphoric level. Take the Exodus story. Metaphorically, Egypt represents any place, culture or thought process that holds us captive and doesn’t allow us the freedom to let in new kinds of thinking […]

I Wish

Jul 19, 2010

I was driving to South Park Mall one day this week to run a quick errand, when I realized that the driver in front of me was not using his/her turn signal.  As I followed the car I was wishing that he/she (couldn’t tell which) would let me know what was going to happen, so […]

The Way Out is Through

Jul 12, 2010

I am sitting on a conveyor belt riding through an assembly-line type of arrangement, but at each station I pass there is a devil with a pitchfork trying to poke me. I have passed five or six stations when this part of the meditation ends. I feel ashamed and embarrassed. This fragment of a long-ago […]

Dryness and Juiciness

May 17, 2010

Charlotte has had a particularly dry year this winter and spring, although no one is saying the “d” word yet. I moved here from Northern California where two particularly bad droughts have imprinted on me a need to keep track of rainfall, mostly on the subconscious level. The droughts I lived through there required us […]

Is this all there is?

Apr 26, 2010

This morning I’m singing the “What’s it all about, Alfie?” song. What does it mean that we come together as a church? Is this all there is? I want something more dynamic and alive, more connected and contemporary. I am looking for the people with the most depth and capacity for love. I’m looking for […]

Life of the Spirit: Thoughts and Emotions(and dreams)

Mar 15, 2010

From the body signals of last week’s blog to the dreams, thoughts and emotions of this week’s is not a long journey. No matter the source of the signal, the important point is to pay attention. Dreams constitute a special category, because they have a language of their own, a metaphoric, poetic symbolism that needs […]

You are not your thoughts or emotions!

Jun 16, 2008

It is important to put these in perspective.

Pray More, Bless More, Be More

Jun 03, 2008

A formula for a rich life.

Default Settings

Apr 02, 2008

Change your automatic response