Words Cannot Describe God

Dec 18, 2017

Words cannot describe God. They are merely common symbols, something that we can agree on, but which never convey His true nature, His beauty, creation, love, forgiveness, mercy and mystery. The word God stands in for the mystery of His love and forgiveness, a Father to us all who just loves those He created. It […]

A Branch on the Vine

Dec 11, 2017

What is it like to be a branch on the vine? To have God prune the dead wood off of you? To encourage your growth? To have things happen to you that scar your branch and yet you are still a part of the vine? What is it like to be dependent on the vine […]

The Kingdom of God is Already Among You

Dec 04, 2017

Don’t wait until you die to live in the kingdom of God! Jesus spoke of the kingdom in the present tense: it “is at hand,” [Matthew 3:2 KJV] or “has come near you,” [Matthew 3:2 NIV] “is within you,” [Luke 17:21 KJV] or “is in your midst,” [Luke 17:21 NIV] or “is already among you.”[Luke […]

The Great Transition

Nov 20, 2017

Over the last five years I have noticed that I have been through three transitions. The first occurred after I had moved from Charlotte to Baltimore and back within 9 months-time. At first I lived in an apartment for six months and then bought a townhome—three moves in two years. For at least a year […]

It’s So Simple–Love God With All of Yourself

Oct 30, 2017

It’s so complicated to follow all of Jesus’ teachings, to keep them all in mind, from the Sermon on the Mount to the parables and other sayings, but I am convinced that if we are obedient to His First Great Commandment and to the first four of the Ten Commandments, we cannot do anything that […]

Setting Our Sights Too Low

Oct 02, 2017

If we cling to the relationship with God that we have… If we cling to our beliefs rather than building the relationship with God… If we settle for a small change, but forget that Jesus is a radical teacher even today… If we’re not willing to let God lead us and we still are in […]

We can’t have it both ways!

Sep 18, 2017

We can’t have it both ways, if we’re being true to our love of God. We can’t do things one way and think and feel the other way.  If we are only ”nice” and “good” and “kind” on the outside, our inner state will belie what we do. We all read the inner energies of […]

Fear or Awe

Sep 13, 2017

  Often the Bible says that we are to fear God, but does that mean to cower before him? to be afraid of his punishing ways? or does it mean to stand before him in awe and trembling at his great majesty and glory and yet to know that He loves and forgives us? To […]

Radical Grace

Aug 21, 2017

“Don’t be so hard on yourself, I can bring good even out of your mistakes. Your finite mind tends to look backward, longing to undo decisions you have come to regret. This is a waste of time and energy, leading us into frustration. Instead of floundering in the past, release your mistakes to Me. Look […]

We cannot serve two masters and more…

Aug 14, 2017

There’s a curious synchronicity in two of Jesus’ sayings. The first is that “no one can serve two masters.” [Matthew 6:24]. The second saying is this: “Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it.” [Luke 17:33]. In thinking about the first one about serving God and […]