Living with Paradox

Aug 28, 2017

Several years ago I moved three times in a year and a half. I followed my daughter and her husband up to Baltimore from Charlotte. When his new job didn’t work out, we moved back to Charlotte. I rented an apartment and then six months later, I bought a townhome and moved again. During this […]

God is Everywhere

Nov 03, 2014

The truth about our lives is so simple: we live every moment in the presence of God. God is present in every event, every plant/rock/person/animal. God is the interweaving of all life, the glue, if you will, that holds everything together, that connects all elements in the universe. God is the Creator of all and […]

God is an Awesome God!

Oct 20, 2014

“Our God is an awesome God, there is nothing that he cannot do…” This is a song that my grandchildren learned in Vacation Bible School a few years back. It’s true, our God is an awesome God, but not just in the muscle-flexing ways of the children’s song. God is awesomely mysterious and yet knowable; […]

Your Lens: Clear or Cloudy?

May 26, 2014

Each person has an inner lens through which s/he views the world. The lens can be clouded with prejudices, assumptions, preferences, self-serving attitudes or it can be clearer, able to see reality more truthfully. The source of these things that can cloud our vision of reality can be our religion, our culture and even the […]


Feb 10, 2014

“Imaginary friend in the sky. Delusional. Sad,” commented one of my Facebook readers recently on a day I was writing about surrendering to God. What he wrote caused me to think about how I would describe God. The picture of God he painted is the one I had as a child: an angry God, a […]

The Kingdom is like this…

Dec 30, 2013

Any time we are aware of God’s presence, we step into the kingdom, even if only for a few seconds. When we can forget our false self’s needs, we are there. Being fully present to another person will take us there. The beauty of a sunset can transport us to the kingdom, as can any […]

The Mind of God

Oct 03, 2011

Think of a cosmic switchboard or a universal WiFi connection. Is this what the mind of God is like? I believe that all of creation is contained somehow in the mind of God. And within that mind travels all the information about our needs and desires and struggles and pain and created selves. God knows […]

Breathing In and Out #2

Sep 26, 2011

Last week I wrote about breathing in and out, taking in the Spirit of God and then acting in the world out of that Spirit. To do that we must first become aware of what attitude we’re expressing in words and actions at home, at work, and wherever we go. Am I loving? Were those […]

Disappointment in God

Dec 20, 2010

If I print my blog on pretty paper or wrap it up like a Christmas present with a beautiful bow, will I disguise this truth about modern people and God?  Or maybe I should just whisper it: we are pretty disappointed in God.  Oh, nobody much talks about this, but I believe this disappointment is […]

The Cosmos Within

Aug 23, 2010

Seldom do we realize this as we live our lives: we have the cosmos within us! We are limitless beings in rather limited bodies, but we contain all life, just as all life contains us. We are s-s-o-o-u-u-l-l, soul an intimate part of everything, connected on all levels to the essence of life. We can […]