The True Church and the Kingdom of God

Sep 01, 2014

I belong to the whole church of Jesus Christ, the body of Christ, as Paul put it, in which every part of the body, every organ, vessel and nerve is an essential part of the whole. In fact the whole church of Jesus Christ cannot function if each part is not cooperating with every other […]

From an Engaged Church to an Intentional One

Feb 28, 2010

Each church congregation is filled with people who have chosen to be there, a self-selected group who covenant to worship God together. Churches provide, in addition to the worship of the Lord, an avenue for many volunteer hours donated by their members, both on the church’s behalf and for the benefit of non-profits in the […]

The church is the proving ground of love.

Feb 22, 2010

The beauty of the Christian church, any congregation in any denomination anywhere, is that it is the perfect laboratory in which to test our ability to love.  In our own congregations there will always be the people who are easy to love, the people who are like us, the people who agree with us, but […]