How does punishment for our sins work?

Feb 21, 2022

As much as God rants and raves in the Old Testament about those who do not follow His will and His Commandments, Deuteronomy 28 makes clear that the punishment or blessing for our actions and words is fore-ordained in our own choices, not because God can’t wait for us to sin so that He can […]

Blessings & Curses

Jul 13, 2020

As I began to wake up one morning a few months ago, it was on my mind that the more I wished blessings on someone else, family or friends or even unknown others, the more I would be reaping blessings in my life.  This is a basic principle of the Bible by which our actions […]

Is God punishing us or are we punishing ourselves?

May 01, 2017

At the end of the Deuteronomy, in Books 28, 29 and 30, just before the Israelites are to cross the River Jordan into the Promised Land, God is laying out for the Israelites how they are to live there. Deuteronomy 28 details the results of their choices in life: if they choose to follow God, […]