
Nov 16, 2020

You might ask, “where do you get your ideas for these blog posts?” And here is my latest experience: last Sunday our Adult Sunday School Class was led by our minister, Rev. John Cleghorn, who at one point said, “You know, disciple means learner.” That definition stayed with me all day Sunday and that’s how […]


Sep 21, 2020

The third stage of the journey in Christ has to do with His followers becoming disciples. To review what I wrote last week: in the first stage of the journey believers profess their faith in Jesus Christ, but may not realize all that Christ calls us to do in their lives. During the second stage […]

A Believer, a Follower or a Disciple?

Jun 24, 2019

The choice is ours: to be a believer, a follower or a disciple of Jesus. Each one is a big step into the full life that Christ offers us. To be a believer is to accept the teachings of the Bible, to embrace the life Jesus lived on this earth, to join with others in […]