2.27.23 5 Stages of the Spiritual Journey

Feb 27, 2023

2.27.23            The 5 Stages of the Spiritual Journey   I believe that there are five stages that we need to accomplish in order to love God with all of ourselves, and our neighbors as ourselves, as we follow Jesus Christ. We have in us a lot to heal and to transform, so that we can […]

A Personal Journey to Love

Jun 06, 2022

When Christ leads us on a journey, we will be amazed at what He can transform in us. I want to share part of my personal journey today. My husband died in 2001 at the age of 60 about 20 years after I had given my life to Christ. I’ve told in other posts how […]

The Wilderness Journey

May 23, 2022

  We could look at the trials and sufferings that we endure during our lifetime as wilderness experiences, like the trials and tribulations that the Israelites endured as they were led by God from Egypt to Canaan. In the wilderness we feel lost and alone. It’s unknown territory for us, to be walked and endured. […]

Life is a Growing Experience

Mar 21, 2022

3.21.22   Our human lives are meant to be a growing experience, with each challenge and blessing meant to change us, and as we absorb all that happens to us, we are still learning and growing until we die. The same is even more true with Christians, because the Lord has a plan for each […]

Changes in Our LIves

Jan 18, 2021

We have no idea what the future will be, not even what the next minute after this one will bring. We are constantly surprised or appalled or frightened or delighted by what is in the next moment. Just this morning as I was preparing to drive my grandchildren to and from school—four trips today, a […]

The Way to Love

Dec 07, 2020

I have been reading and rereading and taking notes on a little book called The Way to Love: The Last Meditations of Anthony de Mello. It is a book full of wisdom about love and what it takes to love like God loves. Anthony de Mello was an Indian Jesuit priest and psychotherapist who wrote […]

Tapping and Stepping into the Future

May 25, 2020

“Human beings want to feel that they are on a power walk into the future, when in fact we are always just tapping our canes on the pavement in the fog. A dose of humility would do us good in the present moment. It might also help reconcile us to the radical uncertainty in which […]

The Trajectory of a Life

Jul 22, 2019

Do you every think about the main trajectory of your life? It’s a process not unlike connecting the dots, making sense of all that has happened in our lives and where that has influenced the next and next things that have challenged us and what we have given back to life. I often think about […]

A Vessel of God’s Light and Love

Apr 29, 2019

A vessel, a conduit, a carrier, a container, a receptacle —-I’m not sure what the right word is to express how we might reveal God’s light and love in this world and in us though the Indwelling Spirit of God. But it certainly wouldn’t be me doing any of it. I’d have to get out […]


Feb 25, 2019

“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, […]