The Key to the Life of the Spirit

May 12, 2013

       The secret of the Life of the Spirit, the life lived in, with and for God, lies in knowing God’s voice within us and always following that voice. This active listening and heeding leads us into a co-creative relationship with God. I use this metaphor to describe my life: if my life […]

Trust in God

May 05, 2013

       If we spend our days in worry and driven by anxiety, if we are constantly trying to control our life’s circumstances, if we feel free to live our lives as we wish without a thought for how it impacts others, especially those closest to us, if we are living out the cultural […]

A Dream’s Wisdom

Apr 28, 2013

            Sometimes my dreams have touched me, inspired or intrigued me. But there was one a long time ago that taught me a great lesson that I still remember. In the dream I am stepping very carefully down a dark, narrow stairwell. I’m being very careful not to touch the stone […]

Fear vs. Faith and Hope

Apr 22, 2013

With prayers for the victims of the violence in Boston and of the explosion in West, Texas, and their families this past week; may they feel God’s presence and suffering with them in their grief…  This week’s news has brought us face-to-face with the reality of today’s world and the senseless, sometimes accidental, sometimes deliberate, […]

The Markers for Love

Apr 15, 2013

With our minds we can assert that God loves us, but what are the markers within us for knowing that we are loved? That we actually feel loved by God in every cell in our body? We are not transformed until we realize that we are loved, until we live in and with that love. […]

Whole Cloth

Apr 08, 2013

The whole cloth of my life has been woven from conception with the warp of my DNA, era, family, and God and then interwoven with places where I lived, people, friends from across 70 years, jobs and vocation, interests and experiences. Traveling recently to California and seeing people I was once close to and some […]

The Whole Church

Apr 01, 2013

       The whole church needs to stop complaining about the hostile atmosphere of today, when so many people are anti-religion. The church of all stripes: Catholic, Evangelical and Mainline Protestant—must own up to its share in what has gone wrong. We could paraphrase Nietzsche and say, “the church is dying and we have […]

What is Faith?

Mar 28, 2013

My apologies for not posting last Monday. I did not have access to the internet for a week. So here is the one that should have posted then.   What is faith?  Sometimes when people talk about their faith, they are talking about what they believe. At other times, it seems like much more than […]

“Help! Thanks! Wow!”

Mar 11, 2013

Recent snapshots that delight: four turkeys waddling up the road, then turning right and sauntering out of view; a pair of bluebirds at my feeder—a first this year;  Identifying a warbler high in a tree through binoculars; standing on the berm near the cabin with a glass of wine in my hands watching the 45 […]

Let God tell you who God is

Mar 04, 2013

        Beliefs are a fine starting place for the Life of the Spirit, but they don’t take you very far.  They take you to the threshold of a real relationship with God, but only your faith, perseverance and love and the healing power of the Holy Spirit will take you all the […]