Fear. Anger. Anxiety

Nov 17, 2014

There is no blanket like fear to squelch creativity, love and connectedness. There is no wall like anger which holds everyone, including God, at a distance. There is no dike like anxiety to hold back the tide of life. Fear, anger and anxiety are the sirens of modern life which call us to self-absorption, isolation, […]


Sep 08, 2014

On a recent August morning I was reading the Bible Workbench lesson on Jacob wrestling with a man(or angel as some translations say) in preparation for the meeting at my church that day; tears are flowing from my eyes. As I ponder my reaction, I realize that my life[all our lives] has been consumed with […]

The Larger Self

Aug 18, 2014

  When God created us male and female in his image he declared his creation good, [Genesis 1:27-31] even though he gave us free will. Regardless of the state of the world which seems to be increasingly volatile, which we, all of mankind, have created, we have to entertain the possibility that God who knows […]

What is Your State of Being?

Jul 14, 2014

What is your state of being? Are you anxious? Worried? Angry? Upset? With what are you preoccupied? What haven’t you got that you think you need? Or are you living in peace? Finding joy in your life? Fulfilled? Trusting? Asking about the state of being of someone, their own interior experience, is like giving them […]

The Glacier Within

Jan 17, 2011

Calved from the great glacier that inches its way each year across Greenland towards the Atlantic Ocean, an iceberg crashes into the ocean and floats freely with the currents. It carries with it some 5,000 years of accumulated debris, rocks and other things that are slowly released into the ocean as it melts away. Depending […]

“Voice” Revisited

Nov 22, 2010

I wish I had a concordance for my own writing. So many times I would like to be able to look up a word and see what I’ve written about it previously. I am making a small step towards that end by organizing and renaming the blog files by topic. By doing this I have […]

I Wish

Jul 19, 2010

I was driving to South Park Mall one day this week to run a quick errand, when I realized that the driver in front of me was not using his/her turn signal.  As I followed the car I was wishing that he/she (couldn’t tell which) would let me know what was going to happen, so […]

The Way Out is Through

Jul 12, 2010

I am sitting on a conveyor belt riding through an assembly-line type of arrangement, but at each station I pass there is a devil with a pitchfork trying to poke me. I have passed five or six stations when this part of the meditation ends. I feel ashamed and embarrassed. This fragment of a long-ago […]

Is this all there is?

Apr 26, 2010

This morning I’m singing the “What’s it all about, Alfie?” song. What does it mean that we come together as a church? Is this all there is? I want something more dynamic and alive, more connected and contemporary. I am looking for the people with the most depth and capacity for love. I’m looking for […]

Life of the Spirit: Thoughts and Emotions(and dreams)

Mar 15, 2010

From the body signals of last week’s blog to the dreams, thoughts and emotions of this week’s is not a long journey. No matter the source of the signal, the important point is to pay attention. Dreams constitute a special category, because they have a language of their own, a metaphoric, poetic symbolism that needs […]