
Jul 30, 2012

       For quite some time I have been wondering, pondering what is it that Jesus heals in us. Oh, I know, demons and leprosy and fevers and bleeding in the Biblical stories, but what does that mean that he heals us? Here is the result of the research I have been doing in the Gospels […]

“Follow me”

Apr 02, 2012

       “Follow me.” Jesus invites us into a full life, into a life led by God’s Spirit, back into the life we were created to lead, the life he modeled so beautifully. Twenty times in the four Gospels he extends us this invitation. Notice that the command is not “Believe in me.” It is to […]


Dec 12, 2011

An iceberg calves from the great glaciers of Greenland. That chunk breaks off from the glacier, and plops into the North Atlantic Ocean where it may last for over a year depending on whether the currents take it north or west or south. The iceberg brings with its frozen self some 5,000 years of debris […]

This I know for sure!

Oct 10, 2011

This I know for sure about the rule/reign/kingdom of God: we are in it, under it—always. God is working in our lives—always. We are connected to God—always. Through God we are connected to all people and all life—always. God loves us—always. God forgives us–always. God welcomes us back—always. And we have little awareness of these […]

Disappointment in God

Dec 20, 2010

If I print my blog on pretty paper or wrap it up like a Christmas present with a beautiful bow, will I disguise this truth about modern people and God?  Or maybe I should just whisper it: we are pretty disappointed in God.  Oh, nobody much talks about this, but I believe this disappointment is […]

The Way Out is Through

Jul 12, 2010

I am sitting on a conveyor belt riding through an assembly-line type of arrangement, but at each station I pass there is a devil with a pitchfork trying to poke me. I have passed five or six stations when this part of the meditation ends. I feel ashamed and embarrassed. This fragment of a long-ago […]

Life of the Spirit: Keeping the “Instrument” Clear

Mar 08, 2010

Our bodies speak! Did you know that? Sometimes the body sends up a twinge, speaking softly, other times there is a huge signal like a heart attack, and in between there is every strength of signal. If you pay attention to its signals, there is wisdom in your body that will help you in your […]

Beliefs: Gateway to the Life of the Spirit

Mar 10, 2008

Beliefs are just the beginning.

One Recovery from a Hell-Fire and Damnation Church

Mar 10, 2008

A warped and severely exaggerated version of Christianity